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Mon Oct 14th, 2019 @ 1:27pm

Civillian Ravi Azad

Name Ravi Azad PhD

Position Chief of Engineering

Second Position Team Member

Rank Civillian

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 40

Physical Appearance

Height 5’11”/1.8m
Weight 190 lbs./86.1kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark Brown
Physical Description With dark skin and even darker hair and eyes, Ravi appears very unintimidating, but his square jaw helps him to arrange his features to command respect when the situation calls for it. He shaves daily, but that does not stop him from sporting a 5 o’clock shadow every day before noon. He wears a ring on the thumb of his left hand that was given to him by his sister before he left for MIT. She gave matching rings to each of her brothers when they left as a token from India, so they would never forget where they came from.


Father Ghadir Azad, DECEASED
Mother Ponmathi Azad, DECEASED
Brother(s) Chandra, age 39
Ganesh, age 38
Indira, age 37
Sister(s) Afshan, age 34

Personality & Traits

General Overview Ravi is, mostly, fairly easy going and understanding. He believes in second chances, but he also believes in consequences; he will not excuse poor behaviour, but will overlook it if he believes the person is truly penitent.

He has difficulty relating to women romantically, but professionally and casually is no problem whatsoever. He is utterly devoted to his daughter, which tends to attract women and this makes him nervous.
Strengths & Weaknesses +good listener
+kind hearted

-can be too soft
-hesitates to make important decisions
Hobbies & Interests plays cello, sports (including football, American football, tennis, and track)

Personal History Born in Mawlynnong, Meghalaya (India) Ravi was fascinated by the living root bridges from a very young age. He began following his great uncle- who was a master in building the bridges- around at the age of three. His uncle recognized an aptitude for engineering and thus the family decided he should attend a private school when he was old enough to provide him a better education than was available in their small village.

However, when he was ten years old, his father took him and his two younger brothers on a camping trip, leaving the two younger children at home with their mother. While on the trip, their father slipped and fell into the river. The boys, not realizing that their father had also hit his head, waited for him to emerge, but when he did not, Chandra and Ravi leapt in after him. Once they had finally got him on dry ground, they took turns performing CPR, but it was no use. He was already gone.

The following two weeks were a blur for Ravi. He barely remembers the funeral or burial. The only thing he remembers clearly from those two weeks was the undeniable fact that he was now the caretaker for the family. The idea was so strong that when the time came for him to go away to school, he refused, saying that he had to take care of his brothers and sister. Never mind that as a doctor, their mother was capable of caring for them herself, Ravi would not leave her alone. And so, he stayed in Mawlynnong and continued learning the art of building living bridges.

This turns out to have not hindered his education whatsoever. He finished secondary school at the top of his class and was accepted to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) where he majored in Mechanical Engineering with a double minor in computer engineering and electrical engineering. As it turned out, his great uncle had been correct about his intelligence level. He finished second in his class and went on to get his master’s degree in mechanical engineering.

Upon finishing his degree, he was offered a position with NASA. It was at this point that he decided to become a citizen of the United States and work towards his doctorate at the same time. His brothers and sister had all also left home by now, so once he was officially a citizen, he brought his mother to the US to live with him. She had retired and Ravi was determined to take care of her. She had been ill for some time and shortly after coming to the states, she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of Leukemia. She managed to stretch her three month prognosis to a full year before succumbing to her illness. His brothers and sister all came to help plan the funeral and they opted to have her body shipped back to India for burial next to their father because they believed she would have wanted it that way. He was just glad that his mother had lived long enough to see him earn his PhD in mechanical engineering. It had made her proud enough to fill Ravi with a sense of pride in himself that he hadn’t quite had before.

When NASA was downsized, Ravi was invited to stay on, but found the work a lot more dull than before. And so, when he was invited to join a secretive project, he jumped at the chance. Whatever it was, it had to be better than babysitting the skeleton crew at mission control in Houston.