The Sim
In the early to mid 1990s, the United State Air Force sent a team of operators through a device of ancient design known as the Stargate to an alien planet. They discovered a member of a race of parasites called the Goa’uld who had posed as the Egyptian god Ra on Earth, and, when he had left Earth, he had taken Humans with him as slaves. The team fought Ra and defeated him. When they came back, they declared the gate on the other world to be destroyed and one of their team members, their archaeologist, dead. At the time, the prevailing understanding was that the gate only worked between Earth and the planet Abydos. With the Abydos gate destroyed, the Air Force, assuming there were no further threats and that the Earth gate was now useless, closed the Stargate Program.
But the Air Force was wrong...about so many things. The Abydos gate hadn’t been destroyed, the archaeologist wasn’t dead, and there were more gates in existence than anyone on Earth, even if they had known about the Stargate Program, could have imagined.
In the late 1990s, the Earth gate suddenly opened and the Goa’uld Apophis came through, killing several USAF Airmen and kidnapping a female Airman as a potential host for his wife. This began a series of events that led to the reopening of the Stargate Program, open conflict with the Goa’uld and a failed invasion of Earth by the Goa’uld.
While the invasion was repelled, there was a cave in in the area of Cheyenne Mountain that housed Stargate Command. The program was closed while the gate was excavated and the entire Cheyenne Mountain complex updated and improved.
In 2019, Stargate Command, now known on paper as “Project New Dawn” (though still commonly referred to as the “SGC”), was officially reactivated.
Note on Our Unit Patch:
The origins of our unit patch go back to the 1960s, the Vietnam War, and the creation of the USAF unit known as the "Wild Weasels".
In the 1960s, the United States Air Force (USAF) created a unit whose job was Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD). The way I understand the tactics of the Wild Weasels, the pilots and aircraft of this unit (usually fighters or some kind of fighter/bomber, currently the F-16, I believe: often something on its way out, since the likelihood of being shot down is high) fly out and attract the attention of Surface to Air Missile (SAM) sites, and shake their backsides provocatively. When the SAM site targets them, the targeted aircraft traces the radar SAM site is using back to the SAM site and takes the SAM launchers. As I understand things, especially in the 1960s, the SAM site often got at least one shot off in the process (or a nearby launcher did), leaving the Wild Weasel pilot "yanking and banking" to avoid the SAM. Needless to say, this was probably just about as dangerous and high pucker factor as it sounds.
In the 1960s, these aircraft were crewed by both a pilot and an electronic warfare officer. When the mission of the unit was being explained to its new pilots and EWOs, EWO Jack Donovan allegedly replied:
"I'm gonna fly with you, and we're gonna shoot a SAM site before it shoots us? You gotta be shittin' me!" (Wikipedia)
This was the natural response of an educated man, a veteran EWO on B-52s and the like, upon learning that he was to fly back seat to a self-absorbed fighter pilot while acting as flypaper for enemy SAMs. (Wikipedia)
"You Gotta Be Shitting Me!" or "YGBSM" became the motto of the Wild Weasels.
On the Project New Dawn patch, you'll see the letters "GTFOH", which stands for "Get The Fuck Outta Here!", which we feel is the natural response when a potential recruit to the program is told that they will be traveling to other planets, walking through a wormhole, without a space suit, and fighting alien body snatchers.
Just in case you were worried that we'd be super serious all of the time.