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Mon Oct 14th, 2019 @ 1:27pm

Civillian Selyna Braeden

Name Selyna Analyse Braeden

Position Astrophysicist

Second Position Team Member

Rank Civillian

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 5 ft. 9 in.
Weight 137 lbs.
Hair Color Black with Silver highlights
Eye Color Light Blue
Physical Description Her silky black hair traced with true silver highlights reaches to her knees when not braided. When working, it is always braided. When in the field, it is then and wrapped in leather to protect it. Her eyes are a unique shade of silver-grey. She has full lips and a medium complexion (not dark, not light). On the back of her left shoulder, she has a tattoo of a hawk in flight.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Morgan Alexander Braeden
Mother Alina Maryanne Braeden (Cox)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family Likely many, but she doesn't really know them, nor is she in contact with any of them.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Celina is very intelligent, but hardly a nerd in the classic sense of the term. While she can, and sometimes does, lose track of time when immersed in her work, she also thoroughly enjoys a good conversation and/or competition with colleagues.

She tends to be open and friendly in her dealings with most people, though she can be wary at times when appropriate and necessary. She integrates fairly easily into any group assigned to.

Her family's military background gives her a good sense of competition and sportsmanship. She likes a good, clean fight (watching it, not being in it).

Special Notes: Celina, due to growing up on Military Bases which are typically open spaces, has a phobia of closed-in spaces (claustrophobia). She also does not tolerate stupidity well.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
+ Very intelligent
+ Highly adaptive
+ Hard worker
+ Very sociable

- Claustrophobic
- Tends to get lost in her work
- Pushes herself too hard at times
Ambitions Celina is pretty much doing what she loves, so she would not be considered ambitious really. Though, she does want to, someday, discover something no one else has ever seen (though some say that isn't so much an ambition as a desire).
Hobbies & Interests Hobbies: music (voice and flute), reading scientific journals, sketching
Likes: Mocha Latte, intelligent conversation, anything scientific, violin music (though she doesn't play one)
Dislikes: unnecessary violence, prejudice of any kind, peanut butter

Personal History Born into a military family, Celina moved around a good bit. As such, her education came from many different, but highly renowned, schools. Her father was career military, a Marine with a long career and several medals. Her mother was not military as such, but she had worked as civilian staff on several of the bases her father was assigned to.

Early on, Celina showed not only an aptitude for, but an interest in the sciences, specifically the space sciences. She checked out and read every book she could get her hands on regarding such from libraries on and off base.

Upon graduating high school, she decided to continue this pursuit. She entered Columbia University In The City Of New York in the field of Physics. She followed the Bachelor of Science in that field with a Master's Degree in Astrophysics. She then fully specialized in Quantum Physics, gaining the Ph.D in that specific field of Physics. All of these degrees were obtained from that same university as she felt that 1) they had the best program for it after her research and 2) staying with the same university minimized the registration glitches that could occur (i.e. miscommunication between schools, transcripts lost in the mail, etc.).

As much as she enjoyed her studies, however, she also enjoyed an active lifestyle, taking part in extra-curricular activities such as hang-gliding, skiing, and kayaking. And while she was not, by far, the most popular girl at her college, she was not the outcast either.

She graduated, after ten intensive years of not only coursework but research, with a Ph.D. in Quantum Physics. At this time, she was asked to take up an instructor position at Columbia where she took great pride in shaping the interest of young minds into fine physicists-in-the-making. Until the government found her paper, "On The Construction and Applications Of Wormholes: A Treatise in Quantum Physics" in one not-so-obscure scientific journal and recruited her to work for them as a physicist attached to one of Stargate Command's Field Teams.
Service Record Instructor, Astrophysics, Columbia University In The City Of New York
Stargate Command (Current)