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Thu Mar 28th, 2019 @ 7:31pm

Civillian Dr. Jessica Andrews

Name Dr. Jessica Andrews

Position Chief Archaeologist

Second Position Team Member

Rank Civillian

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human (Tok'ra)
Age 31 Physically: 24

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 6"
Weight 115 lbs
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Hazel
Physical Description Dr. Andrews is remarkably healthy, though the details of her medical file is classified. She also is not fond of base medical because all they do is tell her she's in perfect health. She prefers her own mode of dress that she's picked up in the worlds she had visited. She and Salara prefer a very refined and elegant look. And Jessica probably picked up her tastes of clothing from when she mascaraed as Ba'al's daughter for a year.


Father Major Richard Andrews, USAF
Mother Marianne Andrews
Brother(s) Lieutenant Jacob Andrews, US Marine Corps
Sister(s) Lt. JG Jillian Andrews, US Navy

Personality & Traits

General Overview Dr. Andrews is an adventurous and fearless woman. She has a sharp tongue and even sharper intellect, and she thinks strategically. On a team, she has a tendency to demand excellence from everyone, and frowns on under-performers. She will let people know her opinions, and she's not afraid to voice them. She can be outspoken, but she will still speak her mind even if people do not want to hear it. Though her personality is a mesh of two unique individuals. Jessica is concerned however. She returned to earth to tell its leaders that they could no longer seal their gates and pretend the universe did not exist.

Her Tok'ra Salara is silent and mindful. A elder Tok'ra approaching the late stages of her life, Salara tends to allow Jessica to speak with her and occupy her thoughts with higher mysteries, though Tau'ri culture and society intrigues her. Salara is a being of her own pleasures though, and would often be found enjoying the highlights of Tau'ri music, literature, and even food. The few times Salara speaks is when she has considered her words carefully. Salara knows that the time of the Tok'Ra may be ending, but she is content in the knowledge that she's created some good in the universe.
Strengths & Weaknesses Dr. Andrews has a sharp mind and intellect with a great amount of knowledge and wisdom she's learned from her studies in the Galaxy and from Salara's wisdom and experience. All of this is combined with Jessica's stubborn, sharp tongue that knows only the most basic amount of tact.

Jessica also has a general dislike of politicians. She views them as simple, idiotic cowards, as she knows that sealing the stargate for twenty years was a mistake. It has left the SGC's allies to face a relentless enemy alone. She'll respect the military leadership of the SGC because they see first-hand what the galaxy has suffered at the hands of the system lords, but she dosen't know who to trust in the US Government.

Jessica also has good relations with several rebel groups that are fighting the system lords, and she knows how to contact them however she keeps secrets at times, She dose not know whom to trust in the US Government after the Antarctic gate disappeared from her old camp.
Ambitions Jessica is a dreamer and an explorer. If there's any kind of adventure, any at all, that she could go on. She's do it without a moment's hesitation. She has trouble staying in one place, and the thought of settling down makes her stir-crazy. Even should the Goa'uld be defeated, she'd get a ship and go on yet another odyssey as she calls them.
Hobbies & Interests Both Jessica and Salara share a craving for a certain Tau'ri delicacy known as chocolate as well as Tau'ri cuisine. Salara prides herself as a gourmet chef, and both host and symbiont are very interested in plays and theater. While the SGC keeps both of these joined beings bound at times. Salara consumes human movies with an insatiable vigor after learning about them from Jessica's memories.

Both of these lifeforms equally share a love of exploration. They call their adventures Odysseys because like Odysseus, Jessica has spent years trying to return to Earth. This story has kept Jessica going even through the toughest times. She definitely enjoys telling stories of her adventures and misadventures. Salara however is beginning to take time to write her memories and the knowledge she's gained over the centuries for humanity to inherit when the time is right.

Personal History Jessica Andrews was born primarily in a military family where it was not too common for her older brothers to bet on which branch of the military she was going to join when she turned eighteen. However, military life held no appeal to Jessica. She was always running through the woods in her Montana home looking for lost civilizations. So when her eighteenth birthday came, she shocked her entire family by not choosing the military, but Cambridge. This managed to get her brothers, her father, her grandfather, and her uncle quite irritated at her, and she wore that irritation like a badge of honor.

Her father told her it was a wasted career, her mother told her to follow her dreams, her brothers and sisters laughed at her and mocked her calling her a 'Civilian.' And she threw a history book at her uncle when he called her a quitter. Regardless, the Andrews family has been one of stubbornness and pig-headedness that lasted since the family began its military service in the Civil War, and the battles still persist to this very day.

Archeology became an obsession for Jessica. The more she studied, the more she came to the ultimate conclusion that there was much that the world did not know of its history. She finally began to explore a radical hypothesis, including some of Daniel Jackson's writings, that convinced her that there was an extensive amount of missing history in Earth's earliest civilizations. This came to a head when she discovered a tomb buried in a chamber under the Athens Acropolis called the 'Tome of Plato.' But she wasn't the only one to notice this. The tome spoke of a 'gateway to the gods' and spoke of it's location in a land of ice and desolation.

Jessica leaned that this gateway was in Antarctica and managed to secure just enough funding to launch an expedition, but she was followed by an unknown party at several points after she began to organize the Plato's Gate expedition. When they arrived at the south pole, the team found a buried object in the ice deep below the Ross Ice Shelf. A large metal ring. With the ring unobstructed by ice, it activated one evening and a group of unknown soldiers emerged and took the team prisoner. The gate itselfwas then removed from the Antarctic camp by an unknown party after the Plato's Gate expedition dissapeared

Jessica's team was captured by a System Lord named Ba'al, who was searching for a host for his daughter; Anthusa, and he had Jessica's entire team evaluated and then executed. Except for her. He had her taken to a joining chamber to receive a Goa'uld for his daughter. However at the last moment. A Tok'Ra agent substituted Ba'al's daughter for a Tok'Ra named Salara and the Tok'Ra made a deal with Jessica. She'd help Jessica get free of Ba'al, and she'd take Anthusa's place and feed information on the movements of Ba'al's fleet to the Tok'Ra. Eventually she'd was discovered, but not before Jessica and Salara made her escape and misaligned the hyperspace coordinates for one of Ba'al's fleets, sending it into a black hole.

The Tok'Ra promised Jessica that Salara would leave her if she wanted because it was not their way to take hosts. Jessica viewed it not as Salara taking her, but rescuing her from a more unimaginable fate, and she grew quite fond of Salara and her wisdom and insights. Jessica inherited ages of scientific knowledge and wisdom from Salara's memories, and she began a new journey with the Tok'Ra that rescued her. This one was to return to earth and prepare them for what was coming. On her journeys, she encountered many groups that SG-1 had helped, and it was only on Abydos that she found the Abbydonians and discovered a gate address back to Earth. After five years of journey, her home was just one gate away. She didn't know what to expect when she dialed for Earth.

When she arrived on Earth, it was by surprise.
Service Record The Tok'Ra usually do not practice the concept of Awards, but Jessica is known as one of their bravest. She usually is the first to volunteer for even the most hazardous assignments. Returning to earth to advise them is just one mission.