Philosophy of Operation

Created by Major Jacob Asher on Sat Mar 2nd, 2019 @ 9:02pm

Philosophy of Operations for New Dawn:

The first thing I want to say is that the primary Out of Character philosophy of Project New Dawn is create a friendly, safe, collaborative, fun environment for players to express themselves through their characters (IC) and through brainstorming and chatting (OOC). The below is just the framework we are going to hang our writing on.

Project New Dawn is going to utilize the “3 d’s of National Security” policy. As briefly as possible, I’ll explain here. To be very clear: I’m not naive. I understand that this isn’t a perfect system that’s always practiced ethically, but this is fiction and we can have a little fun being the good guys.

First, and very briefly, Hard Power Foreign Policy refers to, being very basic, using the threat of military intervention to get what you want. Soft Power refers to using diplomatic and economic pressure and also rewards to get what you want. In the ideal world, the “3 d’s of National Security” is a good balance of both.

Development: This is pretty simple. We help other countries less developed than us improve their situation. They become self-sufficient democratic societies, strong trading partners, and diplomatic and military allies. These kinds of societies, theoretically, are less likely to breed religious, racial, or nationalist zealots and have a vested interest in avoiding military conflict.

Diplomacy: Basically, this involves the use of a diplomatic carrot and stick plan. Offer some carrots, and if that doesn’t get you what you want, out come the sticks. At this point in the strategy, the sticks would mostly involve diplomatic and economic pressure. This “d” also involves the forging of alliances and strong trade agreements.

Defense: This is either what comes out when everything else isn’t working or where a combination of all three is required. In a Soft Power leaning administration, this comes out less frequently.

So how does this affect us?

1) Project New Dawn is going to explore and make contact with the various human cultures that have been spread out over the galaxy. This will include those the Goa’uld are ignoring, those under the boot of the Goa’uld, and those rebelling against the Goa’uld.

2) Project New Dawn will provide support to those communities. Advisors, supplies, even tactical support. A sort of “Foreign Internal Defense” strategy, which will allow a small number of New Dawn personnel to multiply their effectiveness by enabling these communities to stand up to the Goa’uld more effectively.

3) PND will engage in trade when the opportunity arises and will even seek out opportunities to do so. Part of these efforts will involve attempts to trade for advanced technology, but also other resources (rare ores, agricultural products, even artifacts).

4) PND will attempt to make as many alliances with these communities as possible. When and where appropriate, PND will consider alliances with non-human governments against the Goa’uld as well. While there may come a time when we approach a System Lord for an alliance against other System Lords, for now we will stick to baby steps while we find our footing.

5) PND, through the use of it’s SG Teams, will conduct an irregular warfare campaign against the Goa’uld.

As we know, plans don’t always go as...planned. So there will be times when we end up fighting the Goa’uld when we didn’t intend to. There will be diplomatic disasters. We will encounter advanced aliens who betray us or otherwise do us wrong, etc. The above is simply the ideal will be striving for. We will encounter things we didn’t plan for and obstacles we have to overcome in our attempts to complete our missions, and we will not always be successful.

Categories: Sim Information