
Return to Activity

Posted on Wed Oct 2nd, 2019 @ 11:36pm by Major Jacob Asher

After a summer hiatus, we are returning to active tagging and posting in the main mission. Thanks to everyone who kept side stories going while I was away dealing with family issues. I look forward to writing with all of you.

To people just looking at our sim, we invite you to join the public channel of our discord server and ask many questions, get to us, and let us get to know you. We can help you with character ideas and clear up any confusion you may have regarding our sim.

We have certain requirements to make sure that new characters fit comfortably in our little world. Please keep in mind:

1) There is an actual US Air Force. You don't have to make anything up.

2) Your character needs to make sense to the CO, regardless of whether it would have made sense in the framework of the series. That means, for example, that an ace fighter pilot is fairly useless to us at this time, while someone from USAF Special Tactics, or if you must, Special Forces from another service, would be very useful.

3) Civilians are welcome, but we could use a larger military presence. All of that is currently PC'd and NPC'd by the CO and XO and it's getting a little tiring.

4) We're trying to keep SG Team capacities to 4 to 6 people at the most.

It's great to be back! Let's have some fun!

BG Nathan Wolf
MAJ Jacob Asher



Category: General News
