
Interlude 1

Post Count: 33

Similar to Aftermath, we're taking at least a week or more off. Jeremy's foot has to heal and we need to have some posts where we do some base stuff. Our OSI (Office of Special Investigations) will want to interview everyone about the CDC people. We'll set up those interviews individually with each player. Take this time for character development.

Ravi and Selyna can play with the Zats and the jamming device.

Selyna and Nathan can have that dinner they arranged.

Jeremy and Jake can try to work their differences out so they can work more effectively together.

People can do posts with Mama Edith.

If anyone is interested in doing posts with the base mental health staff, one or more of the Command Staff can create NPCs for you characters to meet with. (JS, I can do one for Jeremy to meet with, I actually do a pretty good counselor type-lots of experience on the receiving end of it so I've picked up some stuff to help me play those kinds of characters)

Address any questions you have to the Command Staff.

Mother Knows Best

Post Count: 4

A probe sent to P3X-974 indicated evidence of the presence of a Norse inspired culture. Knowing that this type of culture was at one time connected to an alien race that could be an ally against the Goa’uld and whatever other threats might be out there, Nathan sends Asher, Williams, Andrews, Shae, Corvus, and Ree to the planet. He keeps Braeden and Azad back at base to try and discover more about the jamming device the team recovered on their last mission.

While the probe saw no evidence of a defensive device like the one found on the other Asgard protected world by the original SG-1, Nathan feels it’s at least worth a look. In other words, there’s no threat to Jessica/Salara.

The team goes through the gate encounter what appear to be Danes fleeing their farms to seek safety in the capitol of the kingdom, the settlement of King Hrothgar. The Team learns that the land is under siege by “the Swamp Hag and her Children”. Theses inhuman creatures raid settlements, taking livestock and even people, none of whom are ever seen again. It is believed that they are being consumed by the creatures and “the Swamp Hag”.

The team will meet King Hrothgar and several other NPCs at the settlement. That night, there is a raid by Grendel and his Brethren, the Children of the Swamp Hag. SG-1 fights to defend the settlement (and themselves, of course). They kill the largest and most powerful of the creatures and get a look at the corpse, which the locals say is Grendel, the leader of the Swamp Hag’s Children. Jessica and perhaps Shae recognize that the now deceased Grendel is an Unas. While King Hrothgar is please that Grendel is dead, he fears his people will suffer the Swamp Hag’s wrath, and asks SG-1’s help in leading an expedition to eliminate the Swamp Hag and her Children.

The team will then have to decide what to do next. The only Unas the original SG-1 encountered was a really old Goa’uld, trapped in the Asgard labrinth. Do they try to take all of the Unas out? Or do they try to reason with them and set up a peace accord of some kind? How, exactly, are they going to proceed?

There will likely be some political machinations in Hrothgar’s settlement that will affect the team, and then there is “Mother”, an alien no member of the team has ever encountered before. We will need to deal with Mother and the Unas despite whatever political machinations go on in Hrothgar’s court.

NOTE: If your character would know the poem Beowulf, then they’ll recognize pieces of that story here.


Ravi and Selyna get their STEM on with the jamming device the team recovered in the last mission. While they’re examining it, it does something, and Ravi and Selyna have to remedy the situation or the team might be in real trouble!

No missions found

A Brand New Day

Post Count: 22


Post Count: 20

The team recovers from the total disaster that was their first real mission off world, gets to know each other, and meets new team members.

The Lost Boys and Girls

Post Count: 15

SG-1 is sent to explore P3X842, where they discover a group of boys and girls living in the woods near the gate. Interacting with the children causes the team to begin to regress in age and act immaturely. Jess is unaffected because of Salara, but she can carry the disease.