So...that didn't go so well...
Posted on Sat Mar 9th, 2019 @ 1:26am by Civillian Dr. Jessica Andrews & Brigadier General Nathan Wolf
Location: Jessica's and Salara's Quarters
Timeline: Current
Nathan had given orders for everyone to get some rest. He knew that Asher and Shae had gone to Lethuan for a brief trip. He hoped Jake knew what the Hell he was doing, but they were both adults. Some of the others were doing some socializing. Nathan hadn't heard from Jessica or Salara so he went looking for them. Finding their quarters, he rapped his knuckles on it.
"Jessica? Salara?" Nathan said. "It's General Wolf. Can I come in a moment?"
"Come in." Salara noted as the woman went back to painting. It was one of Salara's hobbies. She was painting a picture of a majestic bird like a swan, but with a shorter neck and it seemed very alien as well. General Wolf entered. "It seems Ba'al is more ambitious than expected. He assaulted Yu's capital world almost immediately upon our arrival." She was not in her BDU's but a graceful and elegant off-world dress. "You would be pleased to know I will not inform the rest of the Tok'Ra that we possess a System Lord. Most of my colleagues are passionate in their desire to kill all Goa'uld. I however have spent many years seeing the foolishness of hubris, General."
"I read Jake's report," Nathan said. "And thank you for not telling the Tok'Ra about Lord Yu. Frankly, at the moment, he's useless to anyone. I don't know where he was stashed, but they'll be very cautious about how they deal with him. Truth be told, they're going to spend more time wiping his ass and changing his adult diapers than trying to get any useful intelligence out of him. But I understand there are some theories on how to restore enough of Yu's sanity to make him lucid enough to answer questions but it's going to be awhile before they see any results."
Nathan looked at the painting Salara was working on. "That's beautiful. What is it and where's it from? Not Earth, I assume."
"It is a Corothian Angelwing. You will not find such a beautiful avian in our time today, the Goa'uld prized their feathers for ceremony." Salara noted. "I have a gift for your world, General. You know I'm in the late stages of my existence. I do not fear death as a Goa'uld would. What I do fear is that my experiences and knowledge may die with me. I am writing my complete knowledge and experiences, and when it is complete, I am gifting them to the Tau'Ri. Do not take it lightly. I know of many things... many mysteries and secrets... that frighten even a being such as I." Salara mentioned. "And many things that should not be forgotten."
"Then on behalf of the Tau'ri, I thank you," Nathan said. "I hope the end isn't that near. I'm getting rather used to having you around. You're do I put this delicately, and yes, Jessica, I know you're listening, you're a refreshing change of pace from your host who can be a little...intense."
She closed her eyes. "Yes, I did hear that. It comes from having a Military family and believing that I could pursue my dreams so much it obsesses me. My brother and sister called me 'the civ.'" Jess chuckled. "I put everything I've got into well... everything... And Salara puts up with me because she thinks her wisdom might help me." She mentioned. "Even after this war, I have so many unanswered questions. I'm going to have a ship built, and I am going to explore the universe." Jessica smiled. "You ever watched Star Trek? And dreamed about being Captain Kirk?"
"Didn't everyone?" Nathan said, not even skipping a beat to apologize. "None of those TNG, DS9, Voyager shows came out until I was fifteen. I grew up watching reruns of the original series over and over and over again and waiting for the next movie to come out."
"I adored Captain Sisko and Janeway." Jessica mentioned. "With Sisko, he knew how to fight a war, and with Janeway; She was a badass who knew how to survive. I had to become the best of both of them." Jess noted. "I do apologize if I seem intense. I've never given up on anything in my life because I'd become the 'civ' that my siblings would envisioned. Salara tells me to relax and 'smell the flowers' though."
"Well," Nathan said. "I read all of Jake's report, Jessica. I have two things to say to you. First, do better. I know you can. Second, and of more importance, I'm glad you and Salara came back in one piece. Oh, and I'm sorry. I let things get away from me. I never should have given the go ahead on that mission. We'll be doing things a little differently from now on, taking some baby steps before we jump into upper level galactic politics again, or at least we're going to try to. Let me know if you have any actionable Intel that might involve a 'baby step' for us."
"The force we encountered on Yu's capital world was not even the bulk of Ba'al's fleet, as he commands the largest force of Ha'Tak Motherships. This is bold and risky for Ba'al. He's being arrogant, and I wonder if we can fully track his movements, and allow his rivals to find out about his movements. " Jessica noted. "Indeed, an indirect approach would be preferred, but the more they fight each other, the less they fight us."
"Maybe," Nathan said. "But to be clear: We're not meddling in System Lord politics for awhile. Pick something smaller, less ambitious. A human population that needs help resisting the Goa'uld who we could funnel food, medicine, clothing, and more, maybe even weapons, or some human group on the run from the System Lords who we can resettle somewhere. Think small, Jessica, because we're not getting involved in anything big for a very long time."
Jessica thought a moment. "There is an ally I want to contact... a powerful one that even the Goa'uld fear. Though it might take time to contact them. They keep to themselves mostly, but they do have a treaty with the Goa'uld that prevents them from attacking worlds under their protection."
"I'll consider it," Nathan said. "Write me up a report. Better, stop by Intelligence and tell them everything you know. And I mean everything. They'll brief me and I'll make a decision on how to proceed. Before I engage in any bargaining with other governments, I need to advise my superiors and get approval for the initial approach."
Nathan regarded Jessica for a moment. "Have you ever heard of the 3 d's of National Security strategy?"
Jessica sighed. "I understand your position General, but understand your enemy." She mentioned. "The System Lords will never, ever view anyone but themselves as equals. They have been the same egotistical, megalomaniac tyrants for thousands of years. Ask yourself what would have happened if Abraham Lincoln allowed his Secretary of State to negotiate an end to the Civil War. Defense will serve us. Development will certainly be helpful. But Diplomacy may only serve the Goa'uld."
"You misunderstand," Nathan said. "I don't intend to engage in diplomacy with the Goa'uld. That was our mistake this first mission. I intend to engage in diplomacy with every group of humans we find and to unite us all against the Goa'uld, along with any other ally we feel we can trust."
"I and Shae will have to communicate with our contacts." Jess noted. "There are groups out there who know they System Lords are not gods, but these people are even more cautious than you are General. We should tread carefully with these groups, if they are not convinced of our sincerity, they may decide to kill us than risk trusting us. I heard rumors the last time I was on Vysseron of a rebellion of all female Jaffa. But while I'm on Earth, it's difficult to communicate with my contacts, and I would have to introduce you to many people that I've rescued from Goa'uld slavery over the years."
"I would appreciate it if you did, Jessica," Nathan said. "Fighting this kind of war, it's what I was trained to do, and I'm pretty good at it. We can hurt the Goa'uld, keep them off balance, by this method, until we're ready for a more direct confrontation. But what we can't do right now is try and involve ourselves directly in System Lord politics. We don't know enough. With all due respect, you know enough to advise us on that. But you can still be an asset, both in the field and back here giving us all of the Intelligence you and Salara can remember. You do that, and I assure you, where and when we can, we'll put that information to good use."
Nathan let that sink in as he discretely took in the form of the woman in front of him. She was a very attractive woman, and he new that she was chronologically in her early thirties, but she looked like a young woman in her mid-twenties. Though he found Jessica's form attractive, he found her personality difficult, sometimes even abrasive. Salara he found to be much more enjoyable company, some he could relate to better than he could relate to Jessica. She was pleasant to talk to and had a calming effect on him. He just wished she'd come out more so he could get to know her better. Unfortunately, he didn't know the social protocols of the Tok'Ra. Was it rude to ask to spend time with a host's symbiote? Was it odd to prefer the symbiote to the host or vice versa? How did that even work.
Jessica spoke. "I have to tell you General. Tok'Ra relationships are very complicated. I have my preferences, and Salara... She has hers. I suppose I need to be less ambitions and impetuous. 'Jessica, don't be so brash' Salara tells me constantly." She mentioned. "She wants to speak to you some more." She closed her eyes.
"To tell the truth General, I have not considered what I will do if the war were to end tomorrow, or a year from now. Hatred of the Goa'uld is all the council thinks about, and it has poisoned many, don't get me wrong. But Jessica is an admirable woman. Usually Tok'Ra symbiots desire willing hosts, but with Jessica, it was part of a infiltration operation. My last host Invara had died, and the council had an opportunity to infiltrate the highest ranks of Ba'al's empire. So I was substituted for Anthousa. But something happened when I meet Jessica that I never expected. I promised her I'd leave her when we escaped Ba'al's service. She wanted me to stay." Salara mentioned "She was far more driven and emotional when we meet, I like to think we've both benefited by sharing our thoughts and insights." Salara mentioned. "Tok'Ra hosts and symbionts care deeply for each other." Salara was simply airing her thoughts. "What of you General. I imagine a man of your rank as a General of the Tau'Ri carries as many burdens as Jessica does."
"Welcome back," Nathan said with a smile. "Yes. I've only been a general a short while, and I'm a very low ranking general. Frankly, I would have expected them to assign a four star general to this post, or at least a three, but no, they wanted me. On the one hand I'm flattered, and also confident that I know what I'm doing...mostly. But getting up everyday and coming to work at a place where we defend not only our world, but humans on countless other worlds, from aliens who've fashioned themselves as gods...that can be a little intimidating."
"Do not be intimidated by the Goa'uld. In a way they are very much like the rest of us, and in a small way; they should be pitied. The use of the Sarcophagus, over thousands of years, have indeed extended their lifespans. But as you've seen with Yu Huwang Shang Ti, the sarcophagus slowly twists one's mind." Salara mentioned. "Even the Goa'uld's own technology twists them on the inside, which is why most of them should be pitied. They do evil, because that's all they know." Salara mentioned. "I ask you General, what is better. To be born good? Or to overcome your evil nature with knowledge and wisdom."
Nathan grinned. "There's an old argument here on Earth. It's called the nature versus nurture argument. Are we all born either basically good or at least as blank canvases on which life paints the portrait of who we become? Or is who we are in our DNA. I read in one of the old reports that the Goa'uld have genetic memory and are born with the knowledge of all Goa'uld. Are they, then, born evil? What about the Tok'Ra? You have the same DNA as the Goa'uld, I presume. Yet you don't seem evil to me, Salara. Not evil at all."
"Queen Egiera removed the genetic memories of the Tok'Ra. I was born like you, General. A blank canvas from which I paint the story of my life." Salara noted. "It's said that Ra unleashed terrors so horrifying it made Egiera weep. Another story states that Egiera fell in love with a slave that Ra killed, and in her grief, she bore the Tok'Ra. I like to think the love story was more true than reality as it gives me hope that love may indeed conquer all, even though love is selfish." Salara stopped for a moment. "I'm sorry. I seem to have stumbled upon a painful topic for Jessica. She watched her expedition die at the hands of the Goa'uld, even some people she was close with."
"I'm sorry," Nathan said. "I didn't mean to upset either of you."
Salara then smiled. "So? Wife? Family?" She asked.
Nathan shook his head. "Wife? No. I'm my own worst enemy in that regard. I find intelligent, educated, talented women attractive. Those kinds of women don't want to follow me all over the globe, passing up career opportunities, putting my career first, only to have to spend a lot of time alone when I'm deployed. I do have family, of course. Mother, father, stepmother, a couple of half-brothers, stray cousins. My mother passed just after I made Captain, a little over twenty years ago. She'd been sick, but was getting better. Then, out of nowhere, she had a heart attack and died. That was hard. We didn't get along so well. She wasn't thrilled with my career choice, and wasn't happy when I accepted my promotion because it extended my service requirement. Our last conversation was actually an argument. Now we've stumbled on a subject painful to me. Don't worry, not your fault. Actually, I like talking about my mother. We didn't get along well, but that was in part because she was brilliant and didn't have a lot of patience for people not as smart as her, including her ex-husband and her son. In a lot of ways, Jake Asher and I share a similar past, but his parents managed to stay married."
Salara spoke. "You have no idea how much You, I, and Jessica really have in common. In a way, all the Tok'Ra are my family. While they are indeed noble, I've noticed flaws about them. They don't act when they should, and they hide when they shouldn't. Jessica is not afraid to risk her life for someone she doesn't know, and that selflessness made me choose her as my host immediately when I joined with her. If there is anyone in danger, even oppressed by the Goa'uld. She'll fight it until she bleeds, and we have bleed." Salara smiled. "You have no idea how much people, who know the value of valor, mean to me. Yes the Tok'Ra were right to be cautious. But there is cautious, then there is outright cowardice. I hope to see many worlds free of the Goa'uld in a hundred years when I am ready to leave this world for what lies beyond, and I do wish to leave this galaxy a better, happier place when my time comes." She closed her eyes and Jessica opened a cabinet and pulled out a bottle of wine. "Care for a drink, General?" Jessica's voice noted and whispered. "I've never seen Salara so smitten with anyone for years." She winked.
*Jessica!! Really.*
Jessica began chuckling and it turned out both of them were.
Nathan actually blushed, but recovered quickly. "Um...yes, I'd love a drink. It will make it easier not to worry about what you two are saying about me when I can't hear you talking to each other."
"I like to make Salara blush and turn red." Jessica noted to which Salara responded. "You are young, Jessica. One day you are going to fall in love. And it will happen when you lease expect it." She poured two wine glasses. "This has been a wonderful evening." Salara noted and Jessica spoke. "Yes... And I hope I don't creep you out with both of me speaking like this. Not that I'm ready for the looney bin." Salara chuckled. "Jessica you were ready for the looney bin before you met me."
Nathan laughed and picked up his wine glass. "I'll admit, it's a little hard to follow, but I think I'm doing okay." He raised his glass. "To being being ready for the looney bin...but never letting them throw us in one!" And clinked it with Jessica and Salara's. He smiled warmly at them. "Honestly, I can't imagine spending an evening with two more fascinating women. I just hope my company is as enjoyable to you as yours is to me."
Jessica spoke. "Honestly, when we met, we weren't sure how people would react to a Tok'Ra. We still get weird looks, but I think everyone's getting used to it." She sipped. "Actions always speak louder than words."
"True," Nathan said. "And I think, unfortunately, you'll be getting a few strange looks for a while yet to come. If anyone is really obnoxious or rude, please let me know so I can set them straight." Nathan took another sip of his wine. "So...what's the most beautiful planet you've visited?"
"i've seen many beautiful worlds, General." Jessica mentioned. "I could not count them all. But as Dorothy once said; there's no place like home."
"I can only imagine just how homesick you must have felt at times, Jessica," Nathan said, a warm smile on his face and in his voice. "And while I'm glad your path led to you Salara and both of you here, I'm sorry it came about the way it did. You didn't deserve to have your life derailed like that."
Jessica smiled. "I appreciate the thought, General. At times I thought about taking one of the System Lords vessels and returning to Earth, but then I became close to Salara, she saved me from a worse fate as a hollowed out shell for something even worse. However I also felt Salara's knowledge and wisdom. There was a chance they would follow me back to earth. No, I did not want to involve my world, my parents and everyone one I loved, until we were ready. I then spent five years making allies and turning the Goa'uld against each other with petty arguments."
Nathan grinned playfully. "You? Starting arguments? No, I just don't see it. I bet Salara agrees with me. Nope, can't imagine you ever starting an argument."
She playfully gave him a good kick and Salara then spoke "It's easy to turn them against each other when you've studied their sordid history. Tell you what. Dinner somewhere outside of this mountain? I've been looking forward to travelling this world, and Jessica's memories are full with wonderful things, and flavors, that are better than anything the Tok'Ra cook."
"Deal," Nathan said. "If you're not busy now, I'd be happy to take you into town for a bite. I just need to stop by my office and get my things."
Jess nodded, "Unfortunately, I'm still waiting on most of my things. It won't be a formal occasion."
"Excellent," Nathan said. "I'll meet you by the elevator in fifteen minutes."
Nathan went back to his office and got his things, then went to the quarters he had here in the mountain, washed up and changed into casual civilian clothes. All that, and he still met Jessica and Salara exactly when he said he would.
"Ready to go?" Nathan asked.
Jess nodded. "Yes. Lets go."