Welcome to the Stargate: New Dawn!
During Apophis’ attack on Earth and Stargate Command in the late 1990s, a cave in occured, burying the Stargate. Apophis was defeated, but the Stargate Program was, for the time being, shut down.
Repairs to the Cheyenne Mountain complex were completed in 2019, at which point the Stargate Program was reopened as Project New Dawn, under the command of Brigadier General Nathan Wolf. A new SG-1 was formed and began to explore new worlds once again.
After a long night, the sun has risen once more. Are you ready for a new dawn?
Project New Dawn is a partial reboot of the original Stargate series. As described above, we do our best to make use of the canon of the first season and the first episode of the second season. However that is where we diverge from Stargate Canon. That sometimes requires some thought and discussion so if you apply and are accepted, come ready to brainstorm.
Feel free to join the public channel of our Discord server and discuss the sim, character ideas, and get a feel for the writers on the sim. We’re friendly, bathe regularly, and don’t bite unless asked nicely.

Latest News Items
» Return to Activity
Posted on Wed Oct 2nd, 2019 @ 11:36pm by Major Jacob Asher in General News
After a summer hiatus, we are returning to active tagging and posting in the main mission. Thanks to everyone who kept side stories going while I was away dealing with family issues. I look forward to writing with all of you.
To people just looking at our sim, we invite you to join the public channel of our discord server and ask many questions, get to us, and let us get to know you. We can help you with character ideas and clear up any confusion you may have regarding our sim.
We have certain requirements to make sure that new characters fit comfortably in our little world. Please keep in mind:
1) There is an actual US Air Force. You don't have to make anything up.
2) Your character needs to make sense to the CO, regardless of whether it would have made sense in the framework of the series. That means, for example, that an ace fighter pilot is fairly useless to us at this time, while someone from USAF Special Tactics, or if you must, Special Forces from another service, would be very useful.
3) Civilians are welcome, but we could use a larger military presence. All of that is currently PC'd and NPC'd by the CO and XO and it's getting a little tiring.
4) We're trying to keep SG Team capacities to 4 to 6 people at the most.
It's great to be back! Let's have some fun!
BG Nathan Wolf
MAJ Jacob Asher
» New Mission to Start Friday!
Posted on Fri Mar 8th, 2019 @ 5:01am by Major Jacob Asher in General News
Hello, everyone. Final mission description, summary, and notes are up. Please look them over, things have changed a bit, enough that it will cause issues if you don't read the new ones.
There may be frequent changes to upcoming mission summaries and notes (not the current missions, the upcoming ones) as I tweak things leading up to the actual start of the mission. An idea may sound great to me at the time I have it, but may need to be completely reworked as I realize how many holes are in it in the weeks leading up to that mission.
I'll try to keep that to a minimum by entering the summaries and notes closer to the final drafts as we move forward.
I will open Lost Boys and Girls with everyone's favorite kind of post: A BRIEFING! Because we all know how much fun briefings are! I'll make it as quick and painless as possible. Try to stay on topic, which is the mission as Nathan and Jake lay it out and if you can do that, we can get through the briefing quickly. While I love character development, the main purpose of a briefing is exposition.
Snow Day can be wrapped up with one Tag from Selyna, and then several other posts in the queue can go up. There will be some posts from Aftermath that still need to be finished, but I'll leave Aftermath open for a while after I open Lost Boys and Girls.
In Aftermath, we've completed 10 posts in a week and have I think 9 more in the queue! Great work as always everyone!
Posted on Sun Mar 3rd, 2019 @ 12:22am by Major Jacob Asher in General News
Hey, everyone!
I just wanted to say this somewhere the general public could access it.
AWESOME FIRST MISSION! Everyone, really awesome! We've been open less than 14 days as of 3/2/2019 and when all of the posts from the first mission are in we'll have 22 posts, maybe more (there are a few in the works that may be dropped). That's counting actually posts using normal math, not crazy math that counts one post for every player that's in a post. That's a posting rate of about 2 posts per day. That's insane. And in that same time, we've almost doubled the number of players we started with!
Not only has there been a lot of posting, but the storytelling has been fantastic! You should all be really, really proud of what we're creating here.
Check out the "Sim Information" category in the Wiki and read "Philosophy of Operation" so you understand the kinds of things we'll be doing in the upcoming missions, or at least what kinds of objectives we'll going for. Whether our enemies, off-world or this side of the gate, or the galaxy itself will prevent us from achieving those objectives remains to be seen!
Well done everyone!
Brigadier General Nathan Wolf
Major Jake Asher
Latest Mission Posts
» What Does This Wire Do?
Mission: Mother Knows Best
Posted on Mon Oct 14th, 2019 @ 1:27pm by Staff Sergeant Creighton Arcadia & Brigadier General Nathan Wolf & Civillian Ravi Azad PhD & Civillian Selyna Braeden
The electronics and computer engineers had set up the 'Jamming Sphere' in one of the Engineering Labs for Doctors Azad and Braeden to start working on. One of them was explaining what they'd found out so far.
"Not much," he said. "And that's probably because we haven't done much to…
» Here There Be Dragons
Mission: Interlude 1
Posted on Mon Oct 14th, 2019 @ 4:15am by Civillian Ravi Azad PhD & Staff Sergeant Jeremiah Corvus & Civillian Selyna Braeden
Were vacations always going to be like this?
They had been sent to a peaceful planet, one that had chosen to keep their agrarian lifestyle. There were hints of technology here and there- clocks, screen printed cloth, windmills. And they enjoyed hosting aliens. But, other than that, they remained peaceful…
» Calm Before the Storm
Mission: Mother Knows Best
Posted on Sat Oct 12th, 2019 @ 10:43pm by Major Jacob Asher & Staff Sergeant Jeremiah Corvus & Civillian Shae & Civillian Mikayla Rees & 1st Lieutenant Hunter Williams
The team had all completed their assigned tasks. It was very early evening, with dusk probably an hour away.
Jake had convinced Hrothmond to give them a place to have their evening meal and prepare for their night and morning to come. They were sharing that meal now.
"Okay," Jake…
» Arrival
Mission: Mother Knows Best
Posted on Wed Oct 9th, 2019 @ 2:49pm by Major Jacob Asher & Staff Sergeant Jeremiah Corvus & Civillian Shae & Civillian Mikayla Rees & 1st Lieutenant Hunter Williams
Jake emerged from the gate, followed my Shae, Rees, Corvus, and Williams. It was foggy and damp and there was a chill in the air, as promised. He could faintly hear water rolling against a beach and the scent of sea salt was in the air. He looked around to…
» Gone A'Viking
Mission: Mother Knows Best
Posted on Mon May 6th, 2019 @ 12:06am by Brigadier General Nathan Wolf & Major Jacob Asher & Master Sergeant Jamal Hassan & Technical Sergeant Anthony Mantelli & Staff Sergeant Rhiannon O'Connor & Staff Sergeant Jeremiah Corvus & Civillian Shae & Civillian Ravi Azad PhD & Civillian Selyna Braeden & 1st Lieutenant Hunter Williams
Nathan looked at the group gathered in front of him satisfied that everyone was present.
"Alright," Nathan said. "You all did well in your 12 days of training. From here on out, there will be training sessions between missions, but they won't be as intense for the civilians. We'll be…